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distorted room our pulp talk secrets 1

be yarie khoda tu ruzhaye ayande in matlaba be ham vasl mishan
distorted rom

The distorted room removes some of these clues by forcing you took look at the room with one eye from a fixed point, and other clues it deliberately tricks (like the shape of tiles on the floor, which look the same from left to right, but actually get smaller, because the tiles on the right are closer).

houghts have a free-wheeling quality(discourse ) and concepts seem connected in unusual and playful ways. A study just published online in Psychiatry Research suggests that this effect may be due to the drug causing 'fast and loose' patterns of spreading activity in memory, something known as 'hyper-priming'.

Priming is a well studied effect in psychology where encountering one concept makes related concepts more easily accessible. For example, classic experiments show that if you see the word 'bird' you will react more quickly to words like 'wing' and 'fly' than words like 'apple' and 'can' because the former words are more closely related in meaning than the latter.

In fact, it has been shown that the more closely related the word, the quicker we react to it, demonstrating a kind of 'mental distance' between concepts. Think of it like dropping a stone into a pool of mental concepts. The ripples cause activity that reduces in strength as it moves away from the central idea.

'Hyper-priming' is an effect where priming happens for concepts at a much greater distance than normal. For example, the word 'bird' might speed up reaction times to the the word 'aeroplane'. To return to our analogy, the ripples are much stronger and spread further than normal.

The experiment used a classic 'lexical decision task' where the volunteers are shown an initial word ('time') and then after a short gap are shown a nonsense word ('yipt') and a true word ('date') at the same time and have to indicate as quickly as possible which is the real world.

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