۱۳۸۸ اسفند ۱۶, یکشنبه

beginner insists


Like smoking in the 1970s, Dr. David Kessler says, there are no social boundaries when it comes to eating. It has become culturally acceptable to eat almost anywhere, and anytime — in a business meeting, in a lecture, in a classroom. "We have children who are eating almost constantly throughout the day."

What the food industry did was to take fat, sugar and salt, put in on every corner, make it available 24/7, make it socially acceptable to eat any time," Kessler says. "We've added the emotional gloss of advertisement, we've made the food into entertainment, and we're living the consequences.
The body doesn't recognize them well, and there's less compensation when people consume too much. Third is, they're so heavily promoted, it's ridiculous. And fourth, you've got this possibility of the sugar, especially coupled with caffeine, being addictive enough to be a problem."
Brownell and his colleagues published a study in December that showed such labels inspire people to eat 14 per cent fewer calories.

To tell somebody who has a weight problem to eat less and exercise more is not helpful."

Greene was an eater of fast food and pasta. Creamy, salty foods are what she loved, and the more the better. "It fed the emotional part of me that wasn't being filled with happiness." She hoarded food from an early age. "Food was my best friend, my comfort, the only constant in my life I could count on." Chips were her addiction. She would hide chocolate bars in her car, her bedroom, and snack on them when people weren't around

Being obese "was horrible, it was absolutely horrible. What was worse than the physical pain was the emotional pain."
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ocial norms affect behaviour, Kessler says. We succeeded in changing how society views tobacco. "We used to see it as something glamorous and sexy and cool. Now we view it for what it is: a deadly, addictive product."

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