۱۳۸۹ تیر ۲۲, سه‌شنبه

related keywords

they call it steganography

models of watermarking

analysing erros
using perceptual models

robust watermarking


information theory

mutual information
'communication rates
channel capacity
coding theory
covering Radius
Linear codes

smmetric Key cryprography
Assymetric key cryptography
ONe way Hash function
Cryptographic Signatures

APPENDIX B Selected Theoretical Results 511 B.1 Information-Theoretic Analysis of Secure Watermarking
(MoulinandO’Sullivan)......................... 511
B.1.1 B.1.2 B.1.3
WatermarkingasaGame............... General Capacity of Watermarking . . . . . . . . . Capacity with MSE Fidelity Constraint . . . . . . .
.... 511 .... 513 .... 514
B.2 Error Probabilities Using Normalized Correlation Detectors (MillerandBloom)............................ 517 B.3 Effect of Quantization Noise on Watermarks (Eggers and Girod) . 522
B.3.1 B.3.2 B.3.3 B.3.4 B.3.5
Background........................... 524 BasicApproach ........................ 524 Finding the Probability Density Function . . . . . . . . . . 524 Finding the Moment-Generating Function . . . . . . . . . 525 Determining the Expected Correlation for a Gaussian WatermarkandLaplacianContent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 527
khabar kahabre khub. heif ke vasate taestune
aya be donbae shoghli aberumad migardid?
mikhaham shoam ra ba yek eshteye bi nazir hamangunek ke layeghe shomast ashna konam
shakeyi az mohandesi be name information hiding
va reshteye moghabele an, peida kardane raveshyayi baraye tashkhise information haye hied shode

gahzie ine ke tu sal haye akhir didan ke ye eddeyi bedune inke az ye kanali estefade kone

harfaye ajib gharibi bezane  mese x be y peigam ferestad
 va signalike hamintori tuye hava velo e o code e rado badal shode beine un ha has va emkane

shenoodesh vojod dare baraye hameye unhayi ke be un hava dastrasi daran
ideyi zadan ke information ha ro tuye ye aks ya seda ya text penhan konan
farghesh ab ramz ine ke nemishe pey bord be ravesh haye adi ke chizayi ke behesh tavajoh nemishe   che potentiali baraye havie ettelaa't budan daran va adamhaye bekar ya nabekari ke az in ravesh baraye ertebat ba ham estefade mikonan

az didenabekarha kari mikoni ke hich ki motevajehe nashtetsh nemishe
va az dide adamhaye bekar miruni ettela'ati ro az ye tasvir begiri, naghashie abstract, havie ehsas ,mafhoom etc. ya payamhayi kesameleshe

masaln emruze tu ye akse 10 kb ta 4 kb information mshe tush hide kard
ghayemesh kard
hameye un etela'at ro makhfi tuye ye tasvire addi, mese akse khanevadegi
ta karhaye hangofty  ke baraye detect kardane in hiding anjam mishe o project haye milliardi mishe rush anjam dad

chizayi ke mikhay be ye nafar berese
un aks ro mibinan , ye akse addist , ye akse mese akse ye bache ya ye tatilat ya har chizi vali ettela'ati dar morede yek markaze serrie etteklaate
kesayi ke donbalesh budan  hameye company haye kheili bozorg ke informationhaey mohemi ro negah dari mikoann hatta ye company e edaru sazi masalan ke nemikhat etela'atesh nasht peida kone
age az kanalo harfaye ajibo gharibe ramzi estefde konan ke hame mifahman dare ettela'at nasht mire
vali raveshhayi az riaziate pishrafte hast ,
ke be to tu maximum hide kardan ha komak kone
ke be daste ma residan o ma mitunim aply konim

ghazie ine ke mogheyi ke bekhay hajme ettela'ate hide kardato bala bebari , unam ba chizayi ke dar ekhtiare hame gharar migire o mese baghieye chizaye addie

majbori a zraveshhayi estefade koni
va baraye un raveshha emkanayi baraye detect kardane inke be noyi dare ettela'ai hide mishe in vasat
ro  pey bord

ghashanie mohandesie kar ine ke
ghesmate omdeey kar peida kardane feature hayi hast ke ye ax ya matn ha seda dare ke uno bayad be ye machine hali bokone, mese pixel ha, tizi e labe ha rang ha  kheili chiza, masalaan 400 ta feature bayad peida konio una ro be ye machine bedi va tedade kheli ziadi ax ya seda ta text , ke tasmimgirie dar morede barayande in feature ha dar moredde ettela'ate tuye un gerefte shode
machien un ha ro tu ye algorithme haye machien learning mi amooze
va bade tedade kafiyi sample ashena shodan
mitune masalehaye jadid va train nashode ro hal kone
age feature e hamin zabane ramzimuno tu vadi hayi mese aart perception anjam bedim
kesayi hastan ke bekhan natijeye inkar ro az ma bekharan
nemigam ehsas, darke ehsas tuey ye dune az hamin vadi ha
nemikham esme ttarkibe ehsas ro hich juri biaram
vahshatnak bad binam be hameye rahe ghalati ke raftim, mesalhayi ke az entehaye sardi o bi tafavoti o analyse shodan ha raftim ke emruz maro engahd r na omid kardannazare khode to ham hamin nis??
entehaye in analys eha va entezari ke nemiduni maghole ya na
va jeloye har shekofte shodane ta'ajobe hayajaneto emruz nabud kardan
dige zibatarin chizayi ke adama ro eb vajd miaran engar ru ma dige asar nemikonan
ba hameye inha nemidunam in shoghl chize dorostie

be anhvi havie ette;la'ate ramz shodeyi midune
ghesmate omde va asliyik eaz ohdeye adamaye bahoosh ba rmiat hamin peida kardane feature ha hast
ghesmate badi una ro be ye machine dadan has, ke un learn mikone ye serri ettela'ati ke behesh dade mishe o barash tekrare, ke in ye barnameye computational neveshtane janebie
ke ye nafare dige mitune be ohdash begire
neveshtane in barname ha ke tu har field i esteffade mishan
chemidunam hatta tashkhise toomoor haye ye akse pezeshki
fek mikardam
had eaghal
fek nemikoni adamye khubi baraye peida krdan e in feature bashim?
heif ke tabestune
heif ke kar peida kardan kar moheme
neveshtane in barname ha barae sherkat haye mokhtalef karbordeshuno peid amikone
had eaghal  noone estedado ba sha'af  mikhori
ye kare chan mahe has , masalan se mah full time
any idea?

۱۳۸۹ خرداد ۱۸, سه‌شنبه


is it possible to understan only te question and see it general picture in less than a few seconds?
maybe it would'nt be an interesting practice for you...

۱۳۸۹ خرداد ۸, شنبه

concentration (khat khati haye ghabl az jostanesh)

tarsim konam..
 finding patterns in be ham rikhte
evolution of concentration

partss that exist
support in alll different creeative backgrounds
we have no good current theory
development desease, vision
we have no frame work
explain who we are

anatomy, phisiology,behaviour

who is more complicated,COMPLEXITY

as time passing by.
unexplained data

shirini, boland khahi, as the market timepoint
defeat, attack,lose of data in recorded memories
you can predict: altered door
intelligent is making prediction about novel events
in two seconds you consider thosands of changes
call and saving the patterns

shoud on asequence over time

What will abrain theory look like?
memory system (form high dimention patterns)
memories are stored and reacalled as a sequence of patterns( reacalling without within ssequence of patterns,not specially within  sequence of time-searching for landmarks)
sequeces are auto associatively reacalled
prediction of future pattrerns is the desired output
biology accurate testable buildable

۱۳۸۹ اردیبهشت ۳۰, پنجشنبه

darwin ey moshti adam feredtad jahaye mokhtalefe donya va z una khas ke ru axolamalhae ehsasie una tahghigh kone va motevajeh shod ke hameye unha raftaraye yeksani daran  tu har ghomo ghabileyi mogheyi ke kasi khoshal mishe mikhande (na khoshali ekheili kheili zadi) ya mogheye narahaty gerye mikonan.. in behich vajh chize badihiyi nis
inke in axolamalha tu zamn taghyir nemikonan  pas chi mishe ke ye eddeyi gahi mikhandan ,adamhaye mokhtalef nesbat be hes hayi mese disgust face expressionhaye mokhtalefi az hodeshun be kharj midan ,avvalin bar mogheyi ke ye ghazaye bad mikhordan un face expression ro neshun midan halate tamim yafteyi az un hes baraye disgust haye mokhtalef be vojud miat,va bod haye ehsasi ezafe masnuyi ruye anva o aghsame digust haye mokhtalef savar mishan , axolamale inha be shedar shabihe ham has.. to ravabete takamoli disgustha o hapiness haye mokhtalef be vojud mian , gahi baziashhun kheili ekhtesasi mishan , kheili rare va kamyab zohur mikonan, adapted mishan o expression taghyir mikone, dar mored expression ha sohbat mikonim,tu haalte rare emkane ezafe shodane bode masnyi hich vojud nadare
farghe beine bazie hessi va learning ro tafavote nasirinan o entezami midunan
maghz khodesh daste bandi mikone va mohareka talkh che ghaza, che bu, che tasvir che seda bashad be yek expressione khas monjar mishavad, gahi faza baraye ezafe kardane bode masnuyi be sheddat tang hast,gahi in expression mitune daghightar o por tar beshe,learned beshe ya nashe....
navahie bozorgi az maghze rat ro bombardment kardim va mibinim ke axolamale un anger has, nahiyeye be un bozorge che tor shod? faghat yek sub routine vojud dare , anger! chera dar asre hamon bombardment khande be vojud nayumad... hastan kesayi ke dar asare zarbe be moharekaye talkh faghat mikhandan chun un subroutine vojud dashte... hekayate takamol dadane hamoon ehsase , inke chetor dar asare adaptation che hesi taghviat beshe, disgust ya happiness ,in daghighan kare hamoon lahzas , hamoonl lahzeye erceptione dastan e jadid, busy budan ya tang budan gahi mitune monjar be no change beshe gahi be khatere khali budan efazaye kafi be change shodane un expression emkane zohoor mide, age un nahie fear bashe , sad bashe,anger bashe surprise bashe ,bastegi be karandeyi dare ke nahiehaye mokhtalefo call mikonan ,age tu ravayat bedune ke bayad che hese ezafetari ro sher kone , che hessi ke jaye un khala ro migire
faghat janbeye tahlili na ehsasi

۱۳۸۸ اسفند ۱۹, چهارشنبه

distorted room our pulp talk secrets 1

be yarie khoda tu ruzhaye ayande in matlaba be ham vasl mishan
distorted rom

The distorted room removes some of these clues by forcing you took look at the room with one eye from a fixed point, and other clues it deliberately tricks (like the shape of tiles on the floor, which look the same from left to right, but actually get smaller, because the tiles on the right are closer).

houghts have a free-wheeling quality(discourse ) and concepts seem connected in unusual and playful ways. A study just published online in Psychiatry Research suggests that this effect may be due to the drug causing 'fast and loose' patterns of spreading activity in memory, something known as 'hyper-priming'.

Priming is a well studied effect in psychology where encountering one concept makes related concepts more easily accessible. For example, classic experiments show that if you see the word 'bird' you will react more quickly to words like 'wing' and 'fly' than words like 'apple' and 'can' because the former words are more closely related in meaning than the latter.

In fact, it has been shown that the more closely related the word, the quicker we react to it, demonstrating a kind of 'mental distance' between concepts. Think of it like dropping a stone into a pool of mental concepts. The ripples cause activity that reduces in strength as it moves away from the central idea.

'Hyper-priming' is an effect where priming happens for concepts at a much greater distance than normal. For example, the word 'bird' might speed up reaction times to the the word 'aeroplane'. To return to our analogy, the ripples are much stronger and spread further than normal.

The experiment used a classic 'lexical decision task' where the volunteers are shown an initial word ('time') and then after a short gap are shown a nonsense word ('yipt') and a true word ('date') at the same time and have to indicate as quickly as possible which is the real world.

a beginner's insist

keywords: scientific pulp talk,order of explanation and analysis of pulp future,
explainnig the future
hala dige harki zudtar ghapesh zad
tank you for producing mini projects :oon yeki ro ye shab ghable tavallodesh be donya avord