۱۳۸۹ خرداد ۸, شنبه

concentration (khat khati haye ghabl az jostanesh)

tarsim konam..
 finding patterns in be ham rikhte
evolution of concentration

partss that exist
support in alll different creeative backgrounds
we have no good current theory
development desease, vision
we have no frame work
explain who we are

anatomy, phisiology,behaviour

who is more complicated,COMPLEXITY

as time passing by.
unexplained data

shirini, boland khahi, as the market timepoint
defeat, attack,lose of data in recorded memories
you can predict: altered door
intelligent is making prediction about novel events
in two seconds you consider thosands of changes
call and saving the patterns

shoud on asequence over time

What will abrain theory look like?
memory system (form high dimention patterns)
memories are stored and reacalled as a sequence of patterns( reacalling without within ssequence of patterns,not specially within  sequence of time-searching for landmarks)
sequeces are auto associatively reacalled
prediction of future pattrerns is the desired output
biology accurate testable buildable

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