۱۳۸۸ آذر ۹, دوشنبه

researches on expected and  unexpected focus of backlight
fade shapes-part  of shapes ,margins of meaningfull objects-

experiment with considering adaptation of eye's mardomak ,againg with hamoon safheye maat o unfocus shodeye backgrounde poste ghablim
i want to suggest a behaviour-if there is- which cotributes a higher efficiency
expected changes of background ?, disabling the noise,?
can changing the colour of the border lines and removing the prior ,and interference of  a new population cause another group to work jointly faster ?...
infact we can compare the adaptation
we change(or not) the colour and the shapes togethere and ask wheter they are the previous seen stimulus or not
 such percentage of changes can be obtained by being compared by the   normal condition in plain bakground
but there rises the precaution if the changes of background had contibuted the recognition
we must make sure that it has not.
and beside it finds out we can see what the eye experts do in order to assign the highest focus of the eyes
i wanna know if the new shape can be recognised and determined in shorter time
this can be called the precision of decision.

we have an adaptation phenomenon the changing the number of neurons involved ,it sure has a hysthersys when we redirect the intensive stimulus changed unexpectedly ,it causes ,neurons remain in their previous state . thining or thicking  beside changing of the stimulus which must be considered and the population of the neurons changes.
i expect
the effects of hysthersis on neuron's spikes polulations in decision making...
stimulus changes but hysthersis causes in the opposite  on
and we have tendecy of the system to the current spike train ...
despite the changes of stimulus,what is  te precision?

poshte man ye harfayi mizanan o ye tasmiimiayi migirano az nabude man tu gurkhune soo e estefade mikonan man dastam berese  hameye ina ro barmichinam va hozuri javab midam, bi khod kardan

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